Planning for care fees

Protect yourself and loved ones from unexpected care home costs in later life

Care home fees – and other social care costs – are a vital part of your lifetime financial plan

It’s important to have a clear plan about how you’ll pay for any care fees you might incur in later life. A lifetime cashflow forecast makes it much easier to be confident you’ve provided enough for your old age.

Whether you decide on social care support in your own home, or moving into a retirement community, sheltered accommodation or care home, fees can be significant. Knowing your plan is sound can avoid a lot of stress – for you, and your loved ones.

That’s why we can include later life costs among your retirement goals when we map your Lifetime Financial Plan. We’ll forecast your changing cashflow through life as your investments and assets evolve, and explore different scenarios, so you can plan for those curveballs life can throw.

We’ll also use our experience to dovetail your financial plans with government, NHS, and local funding sources, making the most of the available channels so you can look forward to dignity and comfort in your care.

Your personalised plan for care home fees

Your hopes and aspirations for later life are yours alone – so we won’t simply recommend a financial product. Instead, we’ll look at your whole picture.

Lifetime financial forecasting can help you relax in the knowledge that you will have enough in your later life for care fees. By planning for the additional cost in your later years, all the decisions you make before then will have that firmly in the plan.

An immediate needs annuity might be part of the answer; providing a guaranteed income for life to help towards your care fees. But there are lots of other avenues to consider:

Investment planning

Making sure your investments have the right flexibility if you want to take an income towards your care costs.


Personal protection insurance

Having the right protection in place so your plan isn’t derailed by the unexpected.


Pensions planning

Including later life care in your retirement goals, and ensuring they’re accounted for as you plan for old age.


Life expectancy: approach every year with confidence

It’s a tricky question; how to calculate life expectancy so you’re confident you have enough, without over-paying for financial products you don’t need.

In our view, it’s better to err on the side of caution – so there’s no risk of a sudden shortfall at the worst possible time. So we look carefully at the Office of National Statistics’ life expectancy calculations, and take the most realistic view of how long you’ll be around to enjoy later life.

A full life awaits. Let’s make plans now.

Contact us for a clear map of your retirement plans, including care fees among your lifetime financial goals.

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